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Misson Statement


Berwickshire Recreation Education Sports Trust (BREST) aims to advance the education and to promote the health and welfare of the people of Berwickshire and its environs, without regard to age, sex, ability, race, creed or other orientation, by providing or assisting in the provision of facilities for sporting, recreation, community activities or other leisure time occupation, such facilities being provided in the interests of social welfare and with the object of improving their quality of life.

Duns Swimming Pool provides a full and inclusive programme of sessions catering for all ages and abilities. Our timetable is carefully managed to ensure that sessions are available for all at the most convenient and popular times. There are times where experience has shown that swim sessions are unpopular and poorly attended. At these times the pool is hired to our very active swimming club or is available for private hire. BREST makes every effort to maintain and expand the activities offered but finding enough funding each year is a struggle.

The trust is always open to ideas to reduce operating costs. Obviously due to recent increases in energy prices fuel costs are our biggest problem. Some plant room equipment was upgraded with a Sport Scotland Lottery Grant in 2003 which has helped, as does good housekeeping – recently a new and innovative “liquid pool cover” has been installed to reduce surface heat loss at night. We are always looking for new ways to both save money and reduce our carbon footprint.

The pool has always been run “on a shoestring” receiving only £13,000 per annum from SBC for the first 7 years, thereafter rising gradually to the current level . BREST actively seeks grant funding from other sources to help fund capital outlay and whilst this has been successful such funding is not generally available for ongoing running costs.

Customer Charter


The staff at Duns Swimming Pool are committed to providing a quality and continuously improving service:


We will:

  • Listen to our customers and solve any problems to the best of our ability

  • Commit to promoting the development of swimmers at all levels

  • Commit to working with others to provide the best service possible

  • Keep BREST values at the core of our processes

  • Commit to the health and well being of all members of our community

  • Provide a safe environment for water activities


We promise that:

  • Our services will be as published in our timetable

  • Any foreseen changes will be duly notified to our customers by the display of an appropriate notice within the building

  • Any unforeseen (emergency) closures will be notified promptly


Our Swimming Pool will be:

  • Maintained at a temperature of 30oC 

  • Chemically balanced and tested regularly to ensure our customers are safe and comfortable.

  • Supervised by RLSS trained lifeguards at all times

  • Clean, safe and hygienic at all times

  • Supplied with appropriate equipment in good, safe condition


Staff will be:

  • RLSS qualified and regularly trained in all aspects of their work

  • Easily identifiable by the wearing of uniforms at all times

  • Helpful and informative


Changing rooms, toilets and showers will be:

  • Clean, hygienic and in good working order

  • Checked hourly by staff and action taken where necessary

  • Kept at a comfortably warm temperature

Generally we will:

  • Ensure the building is clean, safe and well maintained

  • Listen and be responsive to comments, complaints and suggestions

  • Maintain a balanced timetable catering for the needs of all sections of our community

  • Publish current and accurate information for all activities

  • Set prices to ensure value for money

  • Survey our customers regularly to ensure that we continue to meet their needs and expectations

Key Objectives


  1. To operate Duns Swimming Pool for the benefit of the community and users, as economically as possible to ensure a sustainable future for the provision of swimming in Duns.

  2. To continue to increase the usage of the pool to maximise income and enable the expansion of the timetable.

  3. To maintain a balanced programme of activities and services catering for the needs of all sections of the community by removing any potential barriers to inclusion.

  4. To consult with all members of our community and outlying villages to plan and develop our timetable and services to best meet their needs and expectations.

  5. To provide a safe environment for all customers and staff and to comply with all relevant health and safety legislation.

  6. To build partnerships with schools and other groups to promote the health and well being of our community.

  7. To work with local medical practices and other health promoting organisations to increase public awareness of the benefits of exercise and swimming.

  8. To work in partnership with our local sports clubs to enable and promote the development of sporting excellence for both groups and individuals.

  9. To encourage and promote maximum use of the pool by local schools to ensure all children learn to swim.

  10. To maintain and continuously improve the pool and plant equipment.

  11. To continue to explore the possibilities for external funding for future development.

  12. To request sufficient funding from SBC to provide a secure and sustainable base from which we can maintain our services.

  13. To recruit and train, to a high standard, a skilled and qualified workforce. It is BREST policy that all staff attend ongoing training.



BREST makes every possible effort to maintain and expand the activities we offer but finding funding each year to cover the running costs is always a struggle. To help raise money but also to provide additional community leisure activities, especially for young people we hold regular discos and occasional dances for the “not quite so young”.

Local businesses support us by sponsoring advertising boards around the pool. These are a cheerful addition to our décor.

We apply for funding from many sources to support our activities – these applications are not always successful!


Management Structure

Mr G.L.M. Romanes M.R.Pharms, Chairman

Dr S. McCann, Vice Chairman

Mr N Hallos, Hon. Treasurer

Ms. A. Jenkins Secretary

Ms. K. Dickson Trust Liason

Ms P. Dale

Ms W. - J. Field

The board of directors is responsible for the overall policy of BREST The management committee reports to the board at general meetings. These are called as required but there is a minimum of one meeting of the board per annum.

Management Committee

Mr G.Romanes Chair
Dr S. McCann, Vice Chair

Mr N. Hallos, Treasurer

Ms A. Jenkins, Secretary

Ms K. Inkpen, Pool Manager, Child Protection Officer
Ms K. Dickson, Trust Liason

Ms P. Dale

Ms W.- J. Field

The management committee meets regularly and is responsible for the overall management of the pool and its finances. Budgets and targets are set by the management committee. The pool manager reports to this committee and any requests for additional funding, changes in pool management and any problems are brought to these meetings.

Documents relating to the structure of the trust and its operational policies are available to the public on request. Please contact Duns Swimming Pool if you would like to see any of these documents.

Agm Notice:

Notice is given that the AGM of BERWICKSHIRE RECREATION EDUCATION SPORTS TRUST will be held at Duns Swimming Pool on Thursday, 4th December 2025 at 1830.


1/ Minutes of the previous meeting

2/ Chairmans Report

3/ Approval of Accounts

4/ Election of Directors

5/ Election of Officers

6/ Appointment of Independent Assessors

 Tel: 01361 883397

BREST is a charity registered in Scotland, No: SC026564 Registered Company No. SC178735

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